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1. 国家自然科学基金项目(青年基金):腐殖酸和胶体对疏水有机污染物两相分配和生物吸收影响(20207011,2003.1-2005.12)

2. 国家自然科学基金项目:饮用水生产过程中微量有机污染物及其毒性变化规律(50378089,2004.1-2006.12)

3. 北京市自然科学基金项目:北京市不同水体中环境内分泌干扰物分布及生物效应研究(8052018,2005.1-2008.1)

4. 北京市科技计划重大项目课题:自来水水质安全评价指标方法与突发事故的水质保障技术及应用(D0605004040221,2006.1-2007.12)

5. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863探索导向项目):核受体超家族检测化学品和环境样品内分泌干扰物效应的新技术(2007AA06Z414,2007.8-2010.8)

6. 国家自然科学基金项目:水处理工艺过程中环境内分泌干扰物的变化规律(50778170,2008.1-2010.12)

7. 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目群项目:有毒污染物的分子毒理和和筛选技术( KZCX2-YW-Q02-05,2009-2011)

8. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划重大项目):化学品毒性高通量生物测试与评价技术(2012AA06A302,2012.1-2014.12)

9. 中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目: 饮用水复合污染风险因子识别与控制原理(QYZDY-SSW-DQC004),2016.10-2020.12,70万元

10. 北京市科技计划课题(Z171100004417025): 南水北调水质健康效应评估体系标准化研究及应用(子课题负责),2017.4-2019.3, 93万元


1. 王子健、马梅、饶凯锋、李剑、李娜,基于人核受体超家族监测环境内分泌干扰物的新技术及应用,2013年度环境保护科学技术奖二等奖( 证书编号:KJ2013-2-06-G01)….

2. 基于鱼法的生物预警关键技术研究及在北京市南水北调工程中的应用,北京水务科学技术三等奖,2016。(编号:2016-3-20- G04)


1. Yingnan Han, Mei Ma*, Na Li, Rui Hou, Chao Huang, Yoshimitsu Oda, Zijian Wang. Chlorination, chloramination and ozonation of carbamazepine enhancecytotoxicity and genotoxicity: Multi-endpoint evaluation and identification ofits genotoxic transformation products. Journal of Hazardous Matcrials, 2018, 342(Supplement C),679-688.

2. ChaoHuang, Xiong Xu, Donghong Wang*, Mei Ma*, Kaifeng Rao, Zijian Wang. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor(AhR) activity and DNA damaging effects of chlorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(CI-PAHs). Chemosphere, 2018, 211, 640-647.

3.Shengwu Yuan, Chao Huan, Xiaoya Ji, Mei Ma*, Kaifeng Rao, Zijian Wang. Prediction of the combined effects of multiple estrogenic chemicals on MCF-7human breast cancer cells and a preliminary molecular exploration of the estrogenic proliferative effects and related gene expression. Ecotoxicologyand Environmental Safety, 2018, 160, 1-9.

4. Chao Huang, Na Li, Shengwu Yuan, Xiaoya Ji, Mei Ma*, Kaifeng Rao, Zijian Wang. Aryl-and alkyl-phosphorus-containingflame retardants inducedmitochondrial impairment and cell death in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-k1)cells. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 230, 775-786.

5. Na Li, Weiwei Jiang, Mei Ma*, Donghong Wang, Zijian Wang. Chlorination by-products of bisphenol A enhanced retinoid X receptor disrupting effects. Journalof Hazardous Materials, 2016, 320, 289-295.

6. Yingnan Han, Na Li, Yoshimitsu Oda, Mei Ma*, Kaifeng Rao, Zijian Wang, Wei Jin, Gang Hong, Zhiguo Li, Yi Luo. Evaluation of genotoxic effects of surfacewaters using a battery of bioassays indicating different mode of action. Ecotoxicologyand Environmental Safety, 2016, 133, 448-456.

7. Rong Yang, Na Li, Kaifeng Rao, Mei Ma*, Zijian Wang. Combined action of estrogen receptor agonists and antagonists in t wo-hybrid recombinant yeast invitro. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2015, 111, 228-235.

8. Ye Yan, Weiwei Jiang, Na Li, Mei Ma*, Donghong Wang, Zijian Wang, Kaifeng Rao. Assessing genotoxicity of 16 centralized source waters in China by SOS/umu test and micronucleus test and initial identification of the potential genotoxicants by GC/MS method and QSAR Toolbox 3.0. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2014, 763, 36-43.

9. Ye Yan, Weiwei Jiang, Na Li, Mei Ma*, Kaifeng Rao, Zijian Wang. Application of the SOS/umu test and highcontent in vitro micronucleus test to determine genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of nine benzothiazoles. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2014,34(12)1400-1408.

10. RongYang, Na Li, Mei Ma*, Zijian Wang. Combined effects of estrogenic chemicals with the same mode of action using an estrogen receptor binding bioassay. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2014, 38(3),1382-1389.


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