1. 国家自然基金面上项目:区域特征与摄食模式对沉积物中化学物质的生物累积性与生态效应的影响,2016–2019
2. 国家自然基金青年基金:生物模拟采样技术用于沉积物中有机污染物的生态效应评价,2009–2011
3. 国家自然基金重点项目(参加):水环境中有机磷阻燃剂的环境暴露、生态风险和毒理机制,2015–2019
4. 国家973计划研究专题:新POPs对鱼类甲状腺激素干扰作用机制,2009–2013
5. 环保公益项目:水生态基准框架与典型案例预研究,2010–2012
代表论文:1. Rui Hou, Yiping Xu*, Zijian Wang. Review of OPFRs in animals and humans: Absorption, bioaccumulation, metabolism, and internal exposure research. Chemosphere, 2016, 153(1): 78-90.
2. Chenglian Feng, Yiping Xu*, Jinmiao Zha, Jian Li, Fengchang Wu, Zijian Wang. Metabolic pathways of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE209) in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) via intraperitoneal injection. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2015, 39: 536-544.
3. Zijian Wang*, Shan Chen, Yiping Xu*, Jianfeng Tang. Aging effects on sorption-desorption behaviors of PAHs in different natural organic matters. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012, 382: 117-122.
4. Jianfeng Tang, Shan Chen, Yiping Xu, Wenjue Zhong, Mei Ma, Zijian Wang*. Calibration and field performance of triolein embedded acetate membranes for passive sampling persistent organic pollutants in water. Environmental Pollution, 2012, 164: 158-163.
5. Chenglian Feng, Yiping Xu, Gaofeng Zhao, Jinmiao Zha, Fengchang Wu, Zijian Wang*. Relationship between BDE 209 metabolites and thyroid hormone levels in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquatic Toxicology, 2012, 122: 28-35.
6. Yiping Xu, Jay Gan*, Zijian Wang, Frank Spurlock. Effect of Aging on Desorption Kinetics of Sediment-Associated Pyrethroids. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2008, 27: 1293-1301.
7. Yiping Xu, Frank Spurlock*, Zijian Wang, Jay Gan. Comparison of Five Methods for Measuring Sediment Toxicity of Hydrophobic Contaminants. Environmental Science & Technology, 2007, 41: 8394-8399.
8. 高小中, 许宜平*, 王子健. 有机磷酸酯阻燃剂的环境暴露与迁移转化研究进展. 生态毒理学报, 2015, 10(2): 56-68.
9. 周东星, 高小中, 许宜平*, 王子健. 有机化合物生物富集的度量与评价方法进展. 环境化学, 2014, 33(2): 175-185.
10. 许宜平, 高小中, 王子健, 马梅. 一种用于水体被动式采样的半透膜连续采样装置. 发明专利, 申请号: 201510490644.8.