1. 国家杰出青年基金项目:环境工程,400万,2016-2020,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题:基于复合污染效应控制的供水系统优化,300万,2013-2017,主持。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:城市污水处理厂中内分泌干扰物的全态检测、迁移转化及排放风险研究,80万,2013-2016,主持。
4. 中科院“一三五”项目(A类)课题:基于复合污染效应控制的饮用水消毒及输配协同优化,70万元,2013-2015,主持。
5. 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项子课题:多水源切换条件下的管网水质安全保障技术研究与示范,230万,2012-2016,主持。
6. 欧盟合作项目:Marie Curie Actions: International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (WATECH),14.7万欧元,2012-2015,中方主持。
7. 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体(共三期):环境微界面过程与污染控制研究,157万,2006-2015,核心骨干。
1. 2013,住房与城乡建设部“科技创新先进个人”
2. 2014,国际水协“东亚区项目发明荣誉奖(应用研究)”
3. 2015,国家杰出青年基金
4. 2015,北京市科学技术奖三等奖(2/9)
1. Mengkai Li, Mengyu Hao, Laxiang Yang, Hong Yao*, James R. Bolton, Ernest R. Blatchley III, Zhimin Qiang*. Trace organic pollutant removal by VUV/UV/chlorine process: Feasibility investigation for drinking water treatment on a mini-fluidic VUV/UV photoreaction system and a pilot photoreactor. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52, 7426–7433.
2. Ke Xu, Huiyu Dong, Mengkai Li, Zhimin Qiang*. Quinone group enhances the degradation of levofloxacin by aqueous permanganate: Kinetics and mechanism. Water Research, 2018, 143, 109–116.
3. Huiyu Dong, Zhimin Qiang*, Shaogang Liu, Jin Li, Jianwei Yu, Jiuhui Qu. Oxidation of iopamidol with ferrate (Fe(VI)): Kinetics and formation of toxic iodinated disinfection by-products
. Water Research, 2018, 130, 200-207.
4. Weiwei Ben, Bing Zhu, Xiangjuan Yuan, Yu Zhang, Min Yang, Zhimin Qiang*. Occurrence, removal, and risk of organic micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants across China: Comparison of wastewater treatment processes. Water Research, 2018, 130, 38-46.
5. Jun Hu, Huiyu Dong, Jiuhui Qu, Zhimin Qiang*. Impacts of water quality on the corrosion of cast iron pipes for water distribution and proposed source water switch strategy. Water Research, 2018, 129, 428-435.
6. Huiyu Dong, Zhimin Qiang*, Junfeng Lian, Jin Li, Jianwei Yu, Jiuhui Qu. Deiodination of iopamidol in iron distribution pipe enhances formation of iodinated disinfection by-products during chloramination. Water Research, 2018, 129, 319-326.
7. Weiwei Ben, Bing Zhu, Xiangjuan Yuan, Yu Zhang, Min Yang, Zhimin Qiang*. Transformation and fate of natural estrogens and their conjugates in wastewater treatment plants: Influence of operational parameters and removal pathways. Water Research, 2017, 124, 244-250.
8. Mengkai Li, Wentao Li, Dong Wen, Zhimin Qiang*, Ernest R. Blatchley III*. Experimental evaluation of turbidity impact on the fluence rate distribution in a UV reactor by using micro-fluorescent silica detector. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51, 13241-13247.
9. Mengkaili, Wentao Li, Zhimin Qiang*, Ernest R Blatchley III*. On-site determination and monitoring of real-time fluence delivery for an operating UV reactor based on a true fluence rate detector. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51, 8094-8100.
10. Ke Xu, Weiwei Ben, Wencui Ling, Yu Zhang, Jiuhui Qu, Zhimin Qiang*. Impact of humic acid on the degradation of levofloxacin by aqueous permanganate: Kinetics and mechanism. Water Research, 2017, 123, 67-74.
1. 提出了特大型环状供水管网的DMA分区原则和规划方案,应用于北京市供水管网的DMA分区实践。
2. 开发了UV强度分布原位测试平台,为北京安力斯公司UV反应器的优化设计和佛山光电公司新型汞齐灯的研发提供精确测试。
3. 开发了CFD模拟程序和三参数智能监控系统,研制了高效UV消毒器,应用于郑州市维也纳森林、中原新城、正商颍河港湾等数个高层住宅小区的二次供水消毒。
4. 开发了UV/H2O2饮用水深度处理工艺,在上海市“青草沙水源给水技术与装备验证基地”完成了技术示范,可高效去除水中的抗生素等微量污染物。
5. 提出了海水中消毒副产物的控制方案,开发了海水的新型异养-自养联合生物脱氮工艺,应用于北京海洋馆循环海水养殖系统。