1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“给水管网颗粒物生成机制及其对微量污染物传输过程的影响(51678558)”,项目负责人,2017.01-2020.12
2. 国家重点研发计划“纳米科技”专项“复合微污染水质快速、原位在线风险识别,安全转化纳米技术及应用基础研究”项目“复合微污染水质安全转化纳米技术及应用研究(2016YFA0203204)”课题,子课题负责人,2016.07- 2021.06
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“无机污染物在管网沉淀物和腐蚀管垢中的分布、源解析及其释放机制研究(51378493)”。项目负责人,2014.01-2017.12
4. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题“多元素重金属在线监测预警技术和设备(2013AA065602)”,课题负责人,2013.01-2015.12
5. 水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项课题“南水北调京津受水区供水安全保障技术研究与示范(2012ZX07404-002)”之子课题“北京受水区水源切换的管网水质保障技术研究与示范”,子课题负责人,2012.01-2015.12
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“管网界面结构特征、稳定性及其水源切换条件下的转化过程与调控机制(51178450)”,项目负责人,2012.01-2015.12
1. Guiwei Li, Yuanxun Ding, Hongfu Xu, Junwei Jin, Baoyou Shi*. Characterization and releaseprofile of (Mn, Al)-bearing deposits in drinking water distribution systems. Chemoshpere, 2018, 197, 73-80.
2. Baoyou Shi*, Yunjie Wan, Ying Yu, Junnong Gu, Gangliang Wang. Evaluating the chemical stability in drinking water distribution system by corrosivity and precipitation potential. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 2018, 18, 393-390.
3. Bingjun Han, Ruya Chen, Baoyou Shi*, Weiying Xu, Yuan Zhuang. Practical evaluation of inorganic contaminant presence in a drinking water distribution system after hydraulic disturbance. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-AQUA, 2018, 67(1),12-21.
4. Huifang Sun, Baoyou Shi*, Fan Yang, Dongsheng Wang. Effects of sulfate on heavy metal release from ironcorrosion scales in drinking water distribution system. Water Rescarch, 2017, 114,69-77.
5. Yue Zhang, Baoyou Shi*, Yuanyuan Zhao, Mingquan Yan, Darren A. Lytle, Dongsheng Wang. Deposition behavior of residual aluminum in drinking water distribution system: Effect of aluminum speciation.Journal of Environmental Sciences , 2016, 42(4),142-151.
6. Fan Yang, Baoyou Shi*, Yaohui Bai, Huifang Sun, Darren A. Lytle, Dongsheng Wang. Effect of sulfate on the transformation of corrosion scale composition and bacterial community incast iron water distribution pipes. Water Research, 2014, 59, 46-577.
7. Huifang Sun, Baoyou Shi*, Darren A Lytle, Yaohui Bai, Dongsheng Wang. Formation and release behavior of iron corrosion products under the influence of bacterial community in simulatedwater distribution system. Environmental Science: Processes& mpacts, 2014, 16, 576-585.
8. Huifang Sun, Baoyou Shi*, Yaohui Bai, Dongsheng Wang. Bacterial community of biofilms developed under different water supply conditions in a distribution system. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 472, 99-107.
9. Fan Yang, Baoyou Shi*, Junnong Gu, Dongsheng Wang, Min Yang. Morphological and physico chemical characteristics of iron corrosion scales formed under different water source histories in a drinking water distribution system. Water Research, 2012, 46, 5423-5433.
10. Ke Gai, Baoyou Shi*, Xiaomin Yan, and Dongsheng Wang. Effect of dispersion on adsorption of atrazine by aqueous suspensions of fullerenes. Environmental Science &Technology, 2011, 45, 5959-5965.