1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,基于水中溶解性有机物结构调控的管网水质稳定性控制研究,2014-2016,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,给水管网中微量污染物的迁移转化过程及其对生物膜群落结构的影响机制,2019-2022,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金重大项目子课题,管网中腐蚀产物与生物膜对复合污染物的影响研究,所属课题名称:基于复合污染效应控制的供水系统优化,2013-2017,主持
4. 中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目任务三,基于风险因子控制的饮用水输配新模式,所属项目名称:饮用水复合污染风险因子识别与控制原理,2016-2020,主持
5. 国家十二五水专项子课题任务,北京受水区水源切换的管网水质稳定性控制技术研究,所属子课题名称:北京受水区水源切换的管网水质保障技术研究与示范,2012-2015,主持
1. Haibo Wang, Chun Hu*, Xuexiang Hu, Min Yang, Jiuhui Qu. Effects of disinfectant and biofilm on the corrosion of cast iron pipes in a reclaimed water distribution systems. Water Research, 2012, 46, 1070-1078.
2. Haibo Wang, Chun Hu*, Lili Zhang, Xiaoxiao Li, Yu Zhang, Min Yang. Effects of microbial redox cycling of iron on cast iron pipe corrosion in drinking water distribution systems. Water Research, 2014, 65, 362-370.
3. Haibo Wang, Chun Hu*, Luchao Han, Min Yang. Effects of microbial cycling of Fe(II)/Fe(III) and Fe/N on cast iron corrosion in simulated drinking water distribution systems. Corrosion Science, 2015, 100, 599-606.
4. Haibo Wang, Chun Hu*, Lizhong Liu, Xueci Xing. Interaction of ciprofloxacin chlorination products with bacteria in drinking water distribution systems. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 339, 174-181.
5. Haibo Wang, Yi Shen, Chun Hu*, Xueci Xing, Dan Zhao. Sulfadiazine/ciprofloxacin promote opportunistic pathogens occurrence in bulk water of drinking water distribution systems. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 234, 71-78.
6. Haibo Wang, Ying Zhu, Chun Hu*, Xuexiang Hu. Treatment of NOM fractions of reservoir sediments: Effect of UV and chlorination on formation of DBPs. Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 154, 228-235.
7. Haibo Wang, Ying Zhu, Chun Hu*. Impacts of bacteria and corrosion on removal of natural organic matter and disinfection byproducts in different drinking water distribution systems. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2017, 117, 52-59.
8. Haibo Wang, Chun Hu*, Lang Yin, Sujia Zhang, Lizhong Liu. Characterization of chemical, composition and bacterial community of corrosion scales in different drinking water distribution systems. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2017, 3, 147-155.
9. Haibo Wang, Chun Hu*, Xuexiang Hu. Effects of combined UV and chlorine disinfection on corrosion and water quality within reclaimed water distribution systems. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2014, 39, 12-20.
10. Qingqing Jin, Haibo Wang*, Chun Hu, Zhongshan Chen, Xiangke Wang. Effects of NOM on the degradation of chloramphenicol by UV/H2O2 and the characteristics of degradation products. Separation and Purification Technology, 2018, 191, 108-115.