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刘刚,男,中国科学院生态环境研究中心研究员。2013年获得荷兰代尔夫特理工大学博士学位,随后在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学担任研究员、助理教授,并同期在荷兰Oasen水务公司负责研发面向未来的一步RO法净水技术,2018年引进中国科学院工作。现任绿色饮用水技术课题组组长,兼任国际水协水安全计划专家委员会委员、国际水协Blue-Green Systems期刊责任编辑。主要研究领域为基于自然过程的土壤净水技术、输配过程中的水质稳定性和水质安全、无氯供水水质保障技术,主持科技部重点研发中美战略合作等科研项目。发表SCI论文19篇(包括环境领域顶尖期刊Water Res.和Environ. Sci. Technol.论文10篇)。



1. MohanedSousi, Gang Liu*, Sergio G. Salinas-Rodriguez, Aleksandra Knezev, Bastiaan Blankert, Jan C. Schippers, Walter van der Meer, Maria D. Kennedy. Further developing the bacterial growth potential method for ultra-pure drinking water produced by remineralization of reverse osmosis permeate. Water Research, 2018, 145, 687-696.

2. Gang Liu*, Ya Zhang, Ed van der Mark, Aleksandra Magic-Knezev, Ameet Pinto, Tom van den Bogert, Wen-Tso Liu, Walter van der Meer, Gertjan Medema. Assessing the origin of bacteria in tap water and distribution system in an unchlorinated drinking water system by Source Tracker using microbial community fingerprints. Water Research, 2018, 138, 86-96.

3. Gang Liu*, Ya Zhang, Willem Jan Knibbe, Cuijie Feng, Wen-Tso Liu, Gertjan Medema, Walter van der Meer. Potential impacts of changing supply-water qualityon drinking water distribution: A review. Water Research, 2017, 116, 135-148.

4. Gang Liu*, Yu Tao, Ya Zhang, Maarten Lut, Willem Jan Knibbe, Paul van der Wielen, Wen-tso Liu, Gertjan, Medema, Walter van der Meer. Hotspots for selected metal elements and microbes accumulation and the corresponding water quality deterioration potential in an unchlorinated drinking water distribution system. Water Research, 2017, 124, 435-445.

5. Feifei Wang, Doris van Halem, Gang Liu*, Karin Lckkerkerker-Teunissen, JanPeter van der Hock. Effect of residual H2O2 from advanced oxidation processes on subsequent biological water treatment: A laboratorybatch study. Chemosphere, 2017, 185, 637-646.

6. Gang Liu*, Fangqiong Ling, Ed Van der Mark, Xuedong Zhang, Aleksandraknezev, Jasper Verberk, HansComparison of particle-associated bacteria from a drinking water treatment plant and distribution reservoirs with different water sources. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 20367.

7. Gang Liu*, Geo Bakker, Sheng Li, Jan Vrceburg, Jasper Verberk, GertjanMedema, Wen-Tso Liu, Hans Van Dijk. Pyrosequencing reveals bacterial communities in unchlorinated drinking warer distribution systems: An integralstudy of bulk water, suspended solids, loose deposits, and pipe wall biofilm. Environmental & Science Technology, 2014, 48, 5467-5476.

8. Gang Liu*, Maarten Lut, Jasper Verberk, Hans van Dijk. A comparison of additional treatment processes to limit particle accumulation and microbial growth during drinking water distribution. Water Research, 2013. 47. 2719-2728.

9. Gang Liu*, Fangqiong Ling, Aleksandra Magic-Knezev, Wen-Tso Liu, Jasper Verberk, Hans van Dijk. Quantification and identification of particle-associated bacteria in unchlorinated drinking watet from three treatment plants by cultivation-independent methods. Water Research, 2013, 47, 3523-3533.

10. Gang Liu*, Jasper Verberk, Hans Van Dijk. Bacteriaology of drinking water distribution systems: An integral and multidemensional review. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 97, 9265-9276.

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